Remember, it’s almost Eating Disorders Awareness Week!

beat eating disorders

Tomorrow is the start of the annual Eating Disorders Awareness Week. I have been looking forward to it because i know what an amazing job people like the Beat Ambassadors  taking the stage they have been given to tell us their stories, to show their campaigns, raise awareness and fight some of the terrible misconceptions about these dangerous disorders.

This year the leading UK Eating Disorder charity Beat are asking us to “Sock it to Eating Disorders!” and i know i will be!

To find out how you can get involved check out Beats helpful page here where you can find out more on how to celebrate and raise money for a great cause. You can also talk to other sufferers and carers on their great message boards and even attend events which you can find here.

You can also Follow Beat on Twitter  

As well as these people on Twitter:

Me: I will be tweeting a lot during EDAW13 mostly with my service user hat on here

The big London mental health project i am currently working on which will be tweeting about London Eating Disorder Services, resources and more here :

The absolutely wonderful VIK Project:

And of course  YoungMindsUK


  1. I am trying to raise money for B-eat this week as its Eating Disorders Awareness Week (11th-17th February 2013).

    I have a blog which is all about ‘doing a good thing’. All I am asking people to do is ‘Like’ my page on Facebook ( and I will donate 10p to B-eat for every ‘Like’ I get during the EDAW week. It would be great if you could ‘Like’ my page and share with your friends to help me reach my £100 target.

    For more details read the post on my blog:

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